Friday, February 1, 2013

Journey to Topaz
By: Yoshiko Uchida
"When you do what you know is right you find a dignity in yourself that makes you a happy person".
This book was about the Japanese citizens that lived in the United States during the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese, even though they were citizens, were treated as if themselves were criminals and were responsible for the attack. This story followed a Japanese family through all their tough times. The family is forced to evacuate California and live in a camp with all the others Japanese. They make friends with new people and learn important life lessons. They learn that life is what you make it. With family and friends they realize they can make it through anything. The family is later shipped to Topaz in Utah with all the other Japanese like a herd of cattle. The older brother Ken is later challenged with a tough life choice. The United States now want the Japanese men they have imprisoned to fight with them in the war. Ken decides he is going to join the American army and fight with them. That is when the above quote comes in the story. Ken eventually gets shipped out while the rest of the family finally gets to leave the boot camp for their safety. They have a new life to live and experience. Since they were in a camp for so long they now see the world as even more beautiful and even a new world for them to experience.